Wednesday 7 January 2009

In the begining....

In the begining, when we first moved in to the house, the garden was a fairly tidy but bland place. The previous owners loved all shades of green but, apparently, no other colours! They were elderly and the garden had been pretty much left to its own devices - hence the vast amounts of brambles in all the borders, but especially in this area!

My ideas for the Japanese garden were very clear in my head - but far less clear when I tried to articulate them to my long suffering family. So I initially settled for planting 3 different sorts of bamboo as my lower boundary and left them to get on with some serious growing whilst we tackled the necessary renovations indoors......4 years later, the bamboos were fatter but I was no nearer having my garden.

Having continued to fail to convey my ideas, I decided to just get on with it!
My friend and staunch supporter, Sarah, came to help me clear the area, along with my younger daughter, Laura. Proof of the state of the area before we started was lost when I accidently deleted a load of photos from my husband's camera (- I am not the most technically proficient of people at times!), so you'll just have to believe me about just how bad it was.

1 comment:

Laura Marie said...

I left a comment on the wrong one....look at the first of your online diary to see it :)