My wonderful parents in law came up on Sunday, so for dinner we had: potatoes, runner beans and carrots, eaten with roast duck and bitter orange sauce .......

followed by Summer Pudding with home-made blackcurrant ice cream! Yes - I know these are raspberries, but they're a major ingredient in summer pudding .....and we'd just eaten all the blackcurrants!

Tea was home made scones with cream and jam - plum, damson or mixed fruit, take your pick! Just to prevent any confusion, in Yorkshire, we have dinner at dinner time (1.00ish) and tea at tea time (6.00ish). It's only posh southerners who have lunch at dinner time and dinner as their evening meal......unless we're going to a restaurant in the evening, in which case we're going out for dinner.... but if we're going round to friends for an evening meal, then it's still tea! I bet you're dead glad I clarified that for you?!
Anyway, moving swiftly on! A quick tour round the vegetable garden in all its prolific glory!
Sweetcorn, courgettes, squash, parsnips,radishes, chard, spinach, runner beans, with raspberries along the right hand edge.

Leeks, red and white onions, garlic.

Globe artichokes.

The new salad bed - onto its 4th rotation of salad leaves - not bad considering .......
it looked like this in May!

Purple sprouting broccoli, broccoli Romanesco and vertus cabbages.
Broad beans, peas, mange tout and runner beans ...... but all was not well in the broad beans.
They got SERIOUSLY black-flied again in spite of everything I put on them and everything that nature could chuck at them as well! It took me ages to identify these ladybird larvae - but they didn't mind me not knowing what they were as they muched away happily on the black fly :D
I also found a new variety of ladybird that I'd not seen before - anyone know what variety it is?

The bees were busy on the echinops

A little (camera shy) black and white bee on the heather

A moth I found on a woodpile I was clearing last weekend
All the early potatoes dug up and dried off ready for storing. The first cucumber and tomatoes from the greenhouse, radishes and rainbow chard.

It's not just the fruits (and veg!) of my labours - it's the flowers and plants too!
The top pond in the Japanese garden is maturing nicely.
And this stipa is quite superb this year!

I LOVE this time of year!