The wisteria hasn't got enough flowers on it to look good in a photo as yet, so I've had a general wander round the garden to see what was happening instead.
The first photo was taken a couple of weeks ago and looks up the back garden. The Japanese Garden is to the right of the picture between the steps and the fruit cage.

Ceefer cat 'hunting' an interloper in the heather!

I have several large clumps of these pretty yellow flowers - but NO idea what they are! So if anyone could enlighten me I'd be very grateful!

An Acer 'Shin Deshojo' stands out against the euphorbia in a bed I'm currently working on in the back garden.

Crocuses nestling in the shelter of the oak tree - my favourite tree in the entire garden. I sneak up and hug it when no-one's looking!

Frank the cat (because of his 'ol blue eyes!) keeping a watchful eye out in amongst the euphorbia. He was one of several garden-based presents I received when I left the NHS to start my alternative therapies business over 3 years ago now and he still makes me smile with his nodding head and wobbly tail!

Derbyshire's oldest flowering cherry, well .... flowering really!
We have had some beautiful sunny days with glorious blue skies, but they stopped happening as soon as the cherry had enough blossom to be worthy of photographing! It looks far better in reality than it does in the photo - probably because I haven't worked out how to eliminate backlight yet. It's almost luminescent in an evening as dusk sets in - it's beautiful. It's also huge!
The cherry is on the island at the front of and below the house.

The sky was just teasing here!

The ornamental cherry on the island mixes so well with the varigated grasses and the moss covered stones - not my doing, I have to confess, but that of the previous owners of our house.

Ferns always look prehistoric and a bit sinister to me as they begin to unfurl, but I like them when they're open so I'm prepared to put up with the few days of creepiness!.

A random mix of (mainly self-set) flowers at the top of the steps at the front of the house.

There you go - a whistle-stop tour round some of the garden. Hope you enjoyed it!