(for those who are interested my new camera is a Canon IXUS 95 IS and it replaced my old camera which had given up the ghost due to eating too much soil!)
So, on my travels round my back garden, I found.......(this feels a bit like the childrens game of 'I went to market and I bought...'!)
My Fuschia bush blooming away merrily.

Some poppies from that mountaineous region which includes Nepal, but which I can't spell correctly tonight!

Sedum, still flowering profusely.

The Cyclamen haven't stopped flowering since I planted them about 2 months ago.

The Quince has fruited well this year .... if only I liked the taste of them!

This tree has a magnificent crop of berries, but no-one seems to know what the tree is - so if anyone could enlighten me, I'd be very grateful!

The Copper Beech has been quite glorious, but I'm still waiting for the oak (far right) to give up the rest of its leaves ..........it took me about 4 hours to get the lawn to this state and one windy evening to cover it in leaves again!
Just a few of the oak leaves I cleared up.
Don't you just love my sassy wellies?!

The Hydrangea was blue when it first came out, but has gone through purple to red and is drying off nicely and will soon be ready to take indoors for a bit of colour in my hallway.

I found these hidden under the leaves on the border - they are HUGE. Unfortunately I have NO idea whether they are edible or not ....... so I left them there!