We've had to bung lots of the raspberries straight into the freezer as I've not had enough time to make any jam this week, but the prospect of my family coming for a meal tomorrow night (I have to just put 'a meal' as I'm from Yorkshire and call it 'tea' but Himself calls it 'dinner' - because he's posh and from Leicestershire!) ......... anyway, they're all coming and the redcurrants are ripe so I made a Redcurrant Tart!

There was some of the scrummy gooey mixture left over, so I popped up the garden and picked a few raspberries and made a pastryless tart - but it looked so nice that we ate the lot before I had chance to take a photo!
Enjoy your summer bounty!
it was definatley delicious, x
That looks Wonderful! (Do you share recipes?) :-)
That looks delicious! I bet it'll be gone quickly. I love fresh raspberries, it reminds me of our garden growing up.
How's the pond and teahouse?
Ooh, it looks delicious! I wish we had so many raspberries! This is the first year when we actually have lots of berries on our plants, but they are enough only for eating fresh. Red currants... Not so many people even know about them here in the U.S. In Russia, we had black, red and white currants. Here in the U.S. I have black, but I am the only one who is eating them! Too tart for the rest of the family.
Oh yummmm!
Ruth - I could always teach you how to make it!!! x
Shady - I'll pop the recipe in my next post. Enjoy! :)
Catherine - raspberry picking involves 1 for me, 1 for the pot every time, I can't resist them!
The pond is looking very good. The tea house will be erected in about 3 weeks or so (once we get back from our holidays) and I'm getting very excited about it! :)
Tatyana - Feel free to come and get some redcurrants, we've got bucket loads! I love blackcurrants too, but have not had a good crop this year. I think I planted the bushes too close together! I'll have to sort that out in Autumn.
Jen - absolutely! :)
amazing posts on your fruit bounty. I finally got around to starting raspberries and blackberries... I have heard good things about currants, and now more
That does look yummy. How did you learn to make jams?
Hi Wayne and welcome .....grow blackcurrants, they are just SO good! We've just picked a load more to freeze as we're going away in a few hours - all that lovely frozen bounty when we get back!
Hi Monica - I remeber 'helping' my nana to make jam when I was little ....but I think my help was more to do with licking the spoon! :)
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