However, Spring has finally arrived and work is progressing again :)

Himself, knowing how much I can gripe, whinge and moan if I'm cold, thoughtfully decided to insulate the entire tea house, ceiling and all - better now than having to come back to it later eh?! He started by cutting the insulation to size........

whilst the wonderful Pete measured, cut and fixed little batons to rest it on.

First side of the roof done.

Whilst they were working away inside the tea house, I was busy forming the Brown Earth Society, creating lots of new vegetable and salad beds out in the vegetable garden - and getting distracted by low flying hot air balloons

and the glorious rich colours on the Acer 'Shin Desojo', which has benefitted from its move out from under the shade of the Wiegelia where it had been languishing for a few years.

When the wonderful Pete returned to help out again a few weekends later, Himself had completed fitting the insulation, so it was time to tackle the plywood sheets that will cover the walls and ceiling, then it'll be ready for me to paint. This was a two hero job! (and, luckily, it was a lovely day!)

Happy with their progress.

Himself doing all the tricky, fiddly bits he'd been putting off on the grounds that it might "all go horribly wrong!" ....needless to say, it didn't! :)

The tea house is now totally lined but I haven't got any photos of it completely finished yet as that bit happened over the Easter holidays whilst my camera was in America on a school trip with Last-Born!
The end may actually be in sight!!
PS. Just to clarify .......it's the lining that's finished, not the whole tea house - yet! :)
Knowing you, dear one, after this awesome project will be another ... so enjoy walking beside you, enjoying the Tea House journey. And Happy Mother's Day :)
I do hope it is all finished and usable before winter sets in again.
Oh I think I am going to be very happy over here at your blog.
Joey luv...there are ALWAYS other projects going on alongside this one! More on them in the next posts! :P
It's wonderful having you walk beside me - and one day we'll do it for real! <3
Hi Weaver. The deadline is the end of June as we've got a huge party here in July....no pressure there then! :)
LoriE - welcome to my (slightly odd) world and thank you for following me. May you have many many happy visits :D
Hi Liz,
Glad to hear you finally managed to get working in the tea house! :D
It's looking very pretty, and I'm sure you'll put it to excellent use over the coming years.
Ooops Liz - poor phrasing on my part there.......the tea house isn't finished, only the lining!
Himself is out there cracking on with the electrics and the cupboard making even as I speak - but it is really nearly there, honest!
Veddy, veddy impressive.
Wow, it's fantastic, Liz! LUCKY YOU!! I can't wait to see the final result. Oh, you are going to have so much fun in there!! Blessings on the tea house! xoxo
The tea house is back on track! I've been building stuff for over 16 years, so you're getting there fast!!!
Electrics? You mean you're not going for the authentic Japanese paper lantern look? It's looking good though. You'll be able to have a chaise longue and hold soirees!
Altadenahiker - you'll have to comae see it, it's even more impressive close up! :)
Hi Kathryn - the electrics are done, the cedar decking is on order, I've chosen the colour I'm going to paint the inside.....it's all happening quite quickly now! I can't wait to get it finished and start using it as my treatment room! :) xx
Hi TIG - given that it was my school summer holiday project 4 summers ago, I thought it was going slowly. Given your building record, it's positively light speed! :)
Ey up Woody. T'electrics are done. No paper lanterns inside, but there will be granite lanterns dotted about the garden ...but they're chuffin' expensive, so it may take some time to get them in place!
Me and Himself sat on the tea house floor supping a beer each on Sunday, looking out over the pond and the setting sun - I can quite see a lot of that happening! We've also got friends demanding an opening ceremony - a G&T ceremony!!
A G&T ceremony; hmm, now you're talking!
Perhaps I need to do a G&T ceremony for local bloggers then?!
What do you think?
woo-hoo! :-) I'll be watching for more posts and progress!
What fun!! I love that you're building a tea house! That's really cool! Are you designing a Japanese style garden to go with it?
Dear Nutty Gnome,
so glad to read about your ingenious teahouse! I came upon it by chance when I looked at my sleeping "Gardening on High Heels"-site. Come over to "You are witty and pretty", then this will not happen again!
Hi Shady - don't worry, plenty more posts are currently in my head! :)
Hi Casa Mariposa. Himself has done a wonderful job turning my vision into reality! Yes, there's a half-finished Japanese garden surrounding it ...it's only half finished because I keep sneaking extra bits from the surrounding garden into it! Possession is 9/10ths of gardening law, right?! :)
Hi Britta. I'll be over to 'Witty & Pretty' shortly ...once I've finished painting inside the tea house! :D
I missed this update, but looks like the tea house is coming along nicely. Very much in favour of the opening G&T ceremony for local bloggers ;>)
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