But first the wood has to be housed somewhere nice and dry - so it doesn't warp, and protected from the sun - so it doesn't warp! Can't have a warped wood tea house now can we?!
So we built a wood store from our wide and varied collection of random bits of wood, old pallets and the old back door that got ousted when we put the new back door in a different place! It may look wonky, but not even a Force Ten gale would shift it - I'm sure Himself was a Victorian engineer in a former existence!
The photo below is the wood store frame. The garage door is (fortuitously) a stable door - from when the previous owners kept a pony and grazed it up the garden!

The woodstore with its waterproof tarpaulin cover. The long pieces of wood protrude into the garage, but Himself screwed a plywood sheet over the gap to stop anyone getting in.
Looking from the garage into the woodstore past Himself's new toy (oops, sorry love!) erm, new
cross-arm saw.
So, I have hope - I really do think that the tea house may finally be built this summer .......if it ever stops raining for long enough for us to put it up!
How exciting.... I feel your joy because we just got the stones for the floor of the bunny barn.
Can't wait to stop back and see your completed project!
I wish you luck with your tea house to be and hope fine weather makes its way to you soon-torrential here as I write. Roll on next week.....;-)
Crikey; that all looks serious. And he looks as though he knows how to use the kit. Respect to Himself.
Goodness me
It's all so skilled. Himself is actually lucky. I love all this. If life ever gets so tedious you just can't get on with the Cross-arm saw and pillar drill, well send it to me!
I await the next episode. Discovery home and leisure, eat your heart out.
How exciting that you're getting close. My husband loves any excuse to get a new power tool. Himself definitely looks to be enjoying his. Very fancy joint!
Wow, Himself has some sweet workshop set up! It's exciting work is progressing on the tea house--do you have a plan you can share?! Am curious what it will look like!
This looks like a complicated project!! I'm looking forward to seeing it develop.
(Tried to comment a while ago, but the comments form was unavailable)
Hi everyone and thanks for your lovely comments! Yes, I think it's fair to say that Himself is a happy man engrossed in his man-shed with his tools!!!
Bren - you're right, I'm ridiculously excited and joyful about it!
MyECG - I'm sick of the rain too. Hope the forecast for next week's hot weather is right!
Woody - Himself is very handy with his tools! I'll pass on your respect comment - he's actually quite shy and doesn't like being the focus of attention, so he only just tolerates being blogged about!
Rob - sorry mate, can't see Himself parting with his new toys - but you can always pop over here and share them!
Catherine - new tools is definately a man thing!:)
Monica - there's a post in my head about the tea house and garden plans ....coming soon!
Phoenix C - don't know where the comments form went - sorry about that! It is complicated, but as Himself is a 'check 3 times, cut once' type of man it's going well so far and no errors!
I look forward to seeing the finished tea house - what an exciting project!
Bless! Bless both of you..
We now have half a pergola!! so I know how you feel. Wood is very expensive on Crete so we've had to recycle and make do. It's for the vines so I hope they appreciate all this hard work!
Good luck!!
Hi HM - Himself is in his man-shed making complicated joints for the hipped roof even as I write! (I know I should be out doing stuff in the garden, but I did a 13 mile moonlight charity walk last night and have knee like a balloon right now!:(
Hi Jude - half a pergola is better than none!!! I'm sure it'll make the vines happy.
You are doing so many wonderful things over at your place! I hope this tea house (what a wonderful idea!) is able to be finished in good time. :-)
Hi Shady - well the Japanese garden is now into its 3rd summer (so much for my little summer project in 2007 eh?!), but Himself reckons we'll be able to erect the tea house in early August - of this year!!! I can't wait! :)
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